Good Corporate Citizenship

MUC Consulting’s vision is to be a leading consultants in Indonesia by enhancing ethical values in doing business. To be in line with that vision, MUC Consulting actively participates in Indonesia Business Links, a non-profit profit organizations that promotes ethical business practices in Indonesia.

In addition, MUC Consulting is a member of United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), an international organization under the United Nations that supports the ten principles of Human Right, Labour Standard, Environmental Protection, and Anti-Corruption.
United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)

MUC Social Responsibility

Good corporate citizenship according to MUC Consulting is about living in harmony with stakeholders, by providing the best values to the stakeholders, as stated in our missions. This covers commitment to the environment, making positive contributions to the community, treating employees well, and conducting business practices with ethical values.

MUC Consulting has started being a good corporate citizen since the company is still in the phase of developing. MUC Consulting believes that good corporate citizenship is a must for a company that wants to operate and survive in a long-term period. For MUC Consulting, such commitment is not only a domination of leading-edge corporations.

 Our positive contributions to the community are as follows:

  1. We actively support the improvement on the tax implementation in Indonesia, i.e. our experts provided inputs to the parliament for the drafts of the 2000 and 2008 Indonesian Tax Laws.
  2. We encourage our employees to participate in their communities, for example by giving them extra annual leaves for those volunteering in social activities (i.e. humanitarian workers, fund-raisers for underdeveloped areas, etc.), as well as giving our donation.
  3. We give our financial support and actively participate in several Non-Governmental Organizations involved in social community improvement, e.g. Center for Indonesian Reform, Institute for Economic Study, and Indonesia Business Links.
  4. We support the Ten Principles of United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) related to human rights, labor standards, environmental protection, and anti-corruption.
  5. We regularly support and participate in several international conferences on social and economic improvement in Indonesia.

Commitments to the environment:

  • Utilize used paper for internal uses
  • Prohibit smoking at working places
  • Save energy by turning off air conditioners and computers when they are not used
  • Replace personal computers (PCs) with notebooks, which use less electricity

Treating employees well:

  • Fair working conditions
  • Avoid forced and child labors
  • Prohibit discrimination
  • Respect our employee's freedom of association
  • Provide special room for mothers and children (nursery) at office
  • Provide transportation (company's drivers or taxi vouchers), and meals for employees working overtime above 8:00 PM

Conducting business practices with ethical values:

  • Maintain our independence when dealing with clients and governmental institutions, especially if required to provide opinions and valuation as a consultant
  • Prohibit bribery and excessive entertainment expenses
  • Maintain professional relationship with governmental institutions
  • Use only original software for all computers


  • For years we have committed to provide free training for students, taxpayers, tax officers, and tax consultants for their specific needs under a program named Generating Real Excellence in the Area of Taxation (GREAT). This program is aimed at creating better tax environment in Indonesia since in Indonesia taxation is often considered non-professional environment.
  • We are aware of our roles in transferring our knowledge by actively making contribution to tertiary education as lecturers or keynote speakers, in addition to our financial support for students’ activities.
  • Due to our concern for education in general, we established a foundation, Yayasan Buah Hati, which is engaged in elementary education.
  • As part of our responsibility as consultants, we participate in socializing the latest government regulations by organizing free seminars and providing free newsletter for the business community. We also conduct tax coaching for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).
  • We provide free TaxGuide software for universities.

Good Corporate Citizenship

MUC Consulting’s vision is to be a leading consultant in Indonesia by enhancing ethical values in doing business. To be in line with that vision, since 2004 MUC Consulting has actively participated in Indonesia Business Links, a non-profit profit organization that promotes ethical business practices in Indonesia

In addition, since 2008 MUC has been registered as a corporate member of UNGC, an international organization under the United Nations that supports the ten principles of human rights, labour standards, environmental protection, and anti-corruption

Global Recognition
Global Recognition | Word Tax     Global Recognition | Word TP

Contact Us

MUC Building
Jl. TB Simatupang 15
Jakarta Selatan 12530

+6221-788-37-111 (Hunting)

+6221-788-37-666 (Fax)

Graha Pena 15th floor
Jl. Ahmad Yani 88
Surabaya 60231


For more updates and information, drop us an email or phone number.

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