Customs Blocks 23 Exporters Violating DHE Provisions

JAKARTA. The Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DGCE) claimed to have blocked 23 exporting companies, because they did not fulfill the provisions regarding the placement of Foreign Exchange of Export Earnings (DHE). Thus, these companies cannot receive export services from DGCE.
The legal basis for the administrative sanctions is contained in Government Regulation (PP) Number 36 of 2023. Through this regulation, the government requires exporters to place their DHE in the domestic financial system for at least three months.
The funds must be placed in a special DHE SDA (Foreign Exchange of Export Earnings of Natural Resources) account, with the export value listed on the Export Declaration, at least US$ 250,000 or equivalent.
The obligation is binding for exporting companies in the mining, plantation, forestry, and fisheries sectors or those based on Natural Resources.
This provision is then derived in its technical rules, namely Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 73 of 2023. This regulation contains sanctions for exporters who violate the rules.
As for imposing these sanctions, previously DGCE had received recommendations from Bank Indonesia (BI) and the Financial Services Authority (OJK).
Director General of Customs and Excise, Askolani further revealed that of the 23 exporting companies, his party had reopened the provision of services or revoked sanctions, because they were considered to have fulfilled the DHE provisions.
While the rest, as many as 16 companies are still blocked. "The remaining 16 companies are still blocked," Askolani said on Monday (25/3) in Jakarta. (ASP/KEN)