DGT: 99% of Individuals Already Aligned with NIK-NPWP

JAKARTA. A total of 73.2 million Individual Taxpayers have matched the Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP) with the Population Identity Number (NIK). The figure is equivalent to 99% of the total number of individual taxpayers, namely 73.89 million taxpayers.
Thus, as quoted from Kontan.co.id, according to the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) there are still 692 thousand more taxpayers who have not done the NIK-NPWP matching. Therefore, the DGT urges taxpayers who have not done the matching to do it immediately.
In addition to intensifying socialization, DGT will also continue to cooperate with Ministries/Institutions and Local Governments. This is done so that the NIK-NPWP matching process can be completed before 1 July 2024, as the deadline for the implementation of NIK-NPWP matching.
Read: Provisions Changed, Deadline for Taxpayer ID Number Matching Extended to 30 June 2024
The NIK-NPWP matching can be done through the www.pajak.go.id page. Matching can also be done either by the taxpayer himself or in an official capacity by the DGT.
For information, the provision of NIK-NPWP matching has previously been regulated in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 136 of 2023. The regulation confirms that the use of NIK as NPWP and the use of 16-digit NPWP in general will only take effect on 1 July 2024.
If until 30 June 2024, the activation of the new Tax ID number format has not been carried out, taxpayers cannot use tax administration services at certain institutions that require Tax ID Number. (ASP/KEN)