Guidelines for Business Activities During Covid-19 Pandemic
The Government of Indonesia established a Large Scale Social Restrictions (Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar/PSBB) policy to handle the 2019 Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) pandemic in a number of provinces, regencies and cities. So far, there are 18 regions that have already implemented PSBB, including DKI Jakarta, West Sumatra, Bogor, Depok, Bekasi, Tangerang, Bandung, Makassar, Pekanbaru, Tegal, and a number of cities in West Java.
This policy refers to Government Regulation (Peraturan Pemerintah/PP) Number 21 of 2020 on PSBB in the Context of Accelerating the Handling of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19). In the implementation, one of the implementing regulations of the PSBB is Minister of Health Regulation No. 9 of 2020, which sets restrictions on the following activities:
- Closure of school and workplace
- Restriction on religious activities
- Restriction on site activities or public facilities ’
- Restriction on social and cultural activities
- Limitation of transportation modes and
- Restriction on other activities specifically related to defense and security aspects
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In addition, restriction on social activities is also applicable in public places or facilities, taking into account the number of people gathered and the distance between people. This restriction does not include:
- Supermarkets, minimarkets, markets, drugstore or places to sell drugs and medical equipment, food needs, staples, fuel oil, gas and energy.
- Health care facilities
- Public facilities to meet the basic needs of the community including sports activities
Although these public places are permitted to operate, service providers in public places above must still avoid crowds of people and pay attention to health protocol in a pandemic condition.
Office Closure
In line with PSBB, the provincial government of DKI Jakarta instructs all companies operating in capital city to suspend office activities temporarily. The instructions are contained in the call of Governor of DKI Jakarta Number 6 Year 2020 and Circular Letter (Surat Edaran/SE) number 3590 / SE / 2020 concerning temporary suspension of office activities in order to prevent the spread of Covid-19 outbreak.
For companies that do not possible to close their office activities entirely, since they are related to the services, the provincial government of DKI Jakarta requested to reduce their activities to a minimum number of employees, time of activity, and operational facilities.
Similar appeal is also done by the provincial government of West Java. The guidelines for implementation of PSBB in West Java are contained in West Java Governor Regulation Number 30 year 2020.
In the regulation, West Java Provincial Government asked companies that continue to run office activities during the pandemic to carry out a number of procedures or protocols to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
Operational and Mobility Permit
For companies that cannot stop all office activities during the PSBB, they must have an Operational and Mobility Permit (Surat Izin Operasional dan Mobilitas Kegiatan Industri/IOMKI) from the Ministry of Industry. To obtain the IOMKI letter, the company can apply electronically through the portal
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IOMKI applies to the operational activities of factories, office administration and industry activities related to raw materials, auxiliary materials, finished goods and/or workers. This stipulation refers to the Circular Letter of the Minister of Industry Number 7 of 2020 on Guidelines for Submitting Licensing Application for Industrial Activities During The Health Emergency Period of Covid-19.
Prevention protocols
After having the operational and mobility permit, the company that is excluded from PSBB should observe and carry out the preventive prokol of the Covid-19 spread as follows:
- Limit the interactions in work;
- Prohibit person who is sick coming to work;
- Ensure the workplace is clean and hygienic;
- All employees are obliged to use masks and wash hands regularly;
- Cooperate with the nearest health care facility;
- Provide vitamins and nutrients for employees;
- Conduct regular disinfection on the floor, walls and building devices of the workplace;
- Conduct monitoring of employee body temperature;
- Maintain the minimum distance between employees within 1 meter; and
- Disseminate information or advice on Covid-19 prevention
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