Ratification Regulation on the Convention of Tax Collection Assistance to be Revised

JAKARTA. The government will revise the provisions regarding the ratification of the Conventional on Multilateral Administrative Assistance in Tax Matter, namely Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 159 of 2014.
The aspects to be revised from the ratification regulation are related to tax collection assistance or recovering tax bills between countries or jurisdictions.
Quoting Kontan.co.id, the revision is carried out, because until now there has not been a single jurisdiction or country that has applied for collection assistance to tax authorities in Indonesia.
Likewise, until now Indonesia has also never used the facility. With the revision, it is expected that this facility can be utilized by Indonesia and partner countries.
The revision process is still incomplete since the tax authority is still waiting for the download to be completed. Once completed, the changes will be reported to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
Furthermore, Indonesia stated that it is ready to establish reciprocal tax collection cooperation.
For information, tax collection assistance can be requested by the government to countries or jurisdictions that have established double taxation avoidance cooperation (P3B) with Indonesia. (ASP/KEN)