Two Employees Confirmed Covid-19 Positive, Tax Court Delays Trial Again

JAKARTA. The Chairman of the Tax Court resumed a halt to administrative services and trial activities after two officers declared positive Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19). Previously, the tax court service was closed on 2 April, 2020 in the context of the Covid-19 emergency and re-opened on 8 June, 2020.
The decision of the reclosure is contained in the circular Letter (SE) Chairman of the Tax Court number SE-013/PP/2020, stating the trial agenda and administrative services within the Tax Court environment will be suspended temporarily from 29 June to 5 July, 2020.
In the regulation released on 28 June, 2020 it was explained, for the trial that was scheduled to be held between 29 June-5 July will be postponed. Delays will be conveyed to the parties and recorded them in the transcript of court prooceding.
Read: Income Tax Regulation for Listed Companies Released
While some of the tax court administration services that have been closed again include appeals or lawsuits, requests for Judicial Review (PK), information services, submission of other documents, as well as sending copies of Tax Court decisions and copies of the verdicts of Judicial Review.
Therefore, those who need these services can temporarily use information services through electronic means, such as email, website and messaging applications such as WhatsApp with the number 081211007510.
During this time span, the tax court will also coordinate with relevant parties to trace the contact history of officers who have tested positive, to collect data, to re-disinfect or sterilize the court environment and other matters needed.