
Until The First Semester 2020, Tax Revenue Contracted 12%

Until The First Semester 2020, Tax Revenue Contracted 12%

JAKARTA. Until the end of the first semester, or as of 30 June, 2020, the realization of tax revenues was recorded at IDR 531.7 trillion.
Comparing to the realization of tax revenue in the same period in 2019, this figure is lower or experiences a contraction of 12%.
Meanwhile, if compared with the government's target in the second Revised State Budget (APBN), the realization has only reached 44.4%.

Quoting, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani argued, the low level of realization was the impact of pressures experienced by the business world by the 2019 Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) pandemic.

Whereas, if the APBN's performance in the first semester is separated between the first and second quarter, the most severe pressure will occur in the second quarter due to the period of Large-Scale Social Restriction (PSBB) occurring in that period.

Based on the government released data, the mining and processing industry is experienced the greatest contraction, which is 42% and 38% respectively compared to the same period in 2019. While other sectors, such as the trading industry, financial services and insurance, as well as construction and real estate each have contracted 21.2%, 11.3%, and 12.8%. The transportation and warehousing sectors actually experienced a positive growth of 9.3%. 

Although almost all sectors experienced negative growth, the government claimed to be optimistic that the state budget would be better. This is because, despite the contraction but there is a change in direction that shows positive movements, including the transportation and warehousing sector that have been addressed the positive growth.

When viewed based on the types of tax, Income Tax Article (ITA) 22  on import, corporate income tax, domestic Value Added Tax (VAT) and VAT on Import experienced contractions. While for ITA 21, individual income tax, ITA 26 and final income tax showed positive growth.  (see table)

Realization of Revenue Based on Types of Tax Until 30 June 2020


Types of Tax Growth 
Income Tax Article (ITA) 21 13,5%
ITA 22 on Import -54,2%
Individual Income Tax 144,3%
Corporate Income Tax -41%
ITA 25 19,9%
Final Income Tax 6,1%
Domestic VAT -27,7%
VAT on Import  -5,6%

This condition is inseparable from several government policies in encouraging economic stimulus through the provision of tax incentives. The government saw a number of incentives provided began to be utilized by the community. Until the end of June, the value of tax incentives that has been realized is IDR 10,81 trillion

Optimizing Digital Tax

One of the measures that the Government will do to save tax revenue on the second semester is by optimizing the tax revenue of
Trade Through  Electronic Systems (PMSE) or e-commerce. 

As we know, starting on 1 August, 2020 a number of overseas digital companies that sell digital goods and or services to their customers in Indonesia, are obliged to collect VAT and then to be deposited to the government. Quoting, the government is optimistic that tax revenue in the second semester will increase by IDR 699.4 trillion.

In addition to being driven by the VAT of PMSE, the increase in tax revenues will also be affected by the economic conditions that will improve in the second semester. The improvement is a result of the provision of fiscal stimulus that had been given.

Previously, the government in the 2020 APBN targeted tax revenues of IDR 1,642 trillion, but then later revised to IDR 1,198.8 trillion, as stated in Presidential Regulation number 72 of 2020.

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