
DGT Creates a Special Team to Monitor Influencers

DGT Creates a Special Team to Monitor Influencers

JAKARTA. The Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) will form a special team that will explore the tax potential of the digital economy, one of which is activities carried out by influencers on social media.

Citing, the special team named the task force handling digital economic actors.

In addition to monitoring influencer activities, this team is also responsible for appointing companies that conduct Trading Through Electronic System (PMSE).

In carrying out its duties this task force will be supported by various data both from DGT internals, as well as from other parties.

For this reason, the existence of this team will be supported by other regulations related to the submission of PMSE transaction data and related to the delivery of information from Government Agencies, Institutions, Associations, and other Parties (ILAP).

Waiting for Consensus

The government admits that the potential for tax revenue from digital transactions is still large.  Especially, the potential that comes from the income received by multinational digital companies from Indonesia.

Nevertheless, the collection of income tax on revenue received by digital companies such as Google, Facebook, Amazon, and others still have to wait for consensus from a number of countries.

Quoting, until now G-20 countries have not agreed on the mechanism of taxation of digital transactions.

The government hopes that a decision on the consensus can be reached this year at a meeting in Italy, or at the latest at next year's meeting in Indonesia.


Global Recognition
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