73% Validated SIN Replace Tax ID Number

JAKARTA. The Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) has validated as many as 50 million Population Identification Number (NIK) or Single Identity Number (SIN) to be used as Taxpayer Identification Numbers (Tax ID Number).
Citing CNBCIndonesia.com, the figure is about 73.52% of the 68 million taxpayers with a Single Identity Number. SIN that has been verified can be used to fulfill the tax obligations, replacing the Tax ID Number that has been used so far.
The government stated that the verification process is still ongoing until all SIN belonging to taxpayers are verified. Currently, some SIN of taxpayers still needs to be confirmed to validate the data.
Read: Format Changed, Single Identity Number and Official Business Number Replace The Tax ID Number
Previously, the change in the Tax ID Number format using SIN is regulated in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 112/PMK.03/2022.
Promoting Compliance
Based on the regulation, the use of SIN is only for domestic individual taxpayers. Meanwhile, non-resident or non-resident individual taxpayers, corporate and government agency taxpayers use the 16-digit Tax ID Number format. Then, branch taxpayers will use the Format of the Identity Number of Place of Business Activities (NITKU).
This change in the Tax ID number format is carried out to improve services to taxpayers, making it easier for taxpayers to fulfill tax administration because they use a single identity.
In addition, the use of SIN is also expected to expand the tax base, and it can have an impact on increasing state revenues for sure.