
DGT to Gather Corporate Taxpayer Group in One Tax Office

DGT to Gather Corporate Taxpayer Group in One Tax Office

JAKARTA. The government is reportedly drafting a regulation that allows the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) to centralize corporate taxpayer groups in Indonesia in the same Tax Office (KPP).

Quoting, this was delivered by Director General of Taxes Suryo Utomo, at the 2024 Tax Day Appreciation and Awards Night, Friday (26/7) in Jakarta.

Meanwhile, the centralization of services for the corporate taxpayer group is done to facilitate both taxpayers and tax authorities. "There must be rules drafted, we will announce it later," said Suryo.

However, he did not specify when the policy plan would be implemented. He only emphasized that the DGT will continue to be committed to continuing tax reform efforts, including the development of a powerful tax administration system.

Simplify The Service

According to Suryo, a corporate taxpayer group is important for state revenue. For this reason, in addition to facilitating service delivery, DGT has also awarded business groups as the largest taxpayers in 2023.

There are 20 corporate taxpayer groups designated to receive the award. In the list released by DGT, it is known that the Djarum Group is the largest tax contributor, then the Adaro Group, Bayan Resources Group, and followed by other Business Groups. Here are some of them:

  1. Djarum Group - Robert Budi Hartono
  2. Adaro Group - Garibaldi Thohir
  3. Bayan Resource Group - Low Tuck Kwong
  4. Indofood Group - Anthoni Salim
  5. Sinarmas Group - Indra Widjaja
  6. Gudang Garam Group - Susilo Wonowidjojo
  7. Indika Energy Group - Hapsoro
  8. MedcoEnergi Group - Ir. Arifin Panigoro
  9. Musim Mas Group - Bachtiar Karim
  10. Wings Group - Ir. Eddy William Katuari
  11. Trakindo Group - Rachmat Mulyana Hamami
  12. Agung Sedayu Group - Susanto Kusumo
  13. CT Corp Group - Chairul Tanjung
  14. Harum Energy Group - Lawrence Barki
  15. Triputra Group - Mrs T.P. Racmat L. R. Imanto
  16. PT Pertamina (Persero)
  17. PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero)
  18. PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero)
  19. PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
  20. PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk

In addition to giving awards to the largest tax-contributing Business Groups, on the occasion, DGT also gave awards to International Agencies / Institutions and other tax authorities, agencies, institutions, associations, and other parties supporting tax reform as well as to the mass media. (ASP/KEN)

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