Effective in 2024, the Provincial Government of Bali Imposes a Tax on Foreign Tourists

JAKARTA. Starting February 2024, every foreign tourist visiting Bali will be subject to a tax of IDR 150,000 or the equivalent of US$ 10.
Citing Kontan.co.id, this policy was issued by the Provincial Government of Bali as stated in Bali Governor Regulation Number 36 of 2023. The aim is to protect the culture and environment of the Island of the Gods.
Apart from that, it is also expected that this levy can become one of the government's tools in implementing culture-based tourism management in Bali.
The government can also provide supporting infrastructure and facilities, such as quality public transportation.
This is in line with Law Number 15 of 2023 concerning the province of Bali which states that the Provincial Government of Bali is authorized to collect taxes on foreign tourists.
This provision applies to foreign tourists who come to Bali through various accesses both air, sea, and land.
The government plans to widely socialize this policy through continuous socialization so that it is well publicized. (ASP/KEN)