Enable Multi-Factor Authentication Feature, DGT Requests Taxpayers to Update Data
Asep Munazat

The Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) has introduced a new feature to its services, called Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). However, before using this feature, DGT has requested taxpayers to update their data in the DGT Online application, specifically their email address and mobile phone number.
Taxpayers are required to update their information independently during the MFA preparation period, which lasts until December 31, 2024. After this date, MFA will be fully implemented, and taxpayers will be asked to enter a verification code sent to their registered phone number or email when logging in at www.pajak.go.id.
MFA is a data protection method provided by the tax authority, using a verification system with multiple factors. The goal is to ensure the authenticity of the identity using tax services.
As announced by DGT via its social media, taxpayers can choose one of three MFA options: email registered in the DGT system, short message service (SMS) to the registered mobile phone number, or through the M-Pajak application.
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By using the MFA feature, taxpayers will be required to use multi-factor authentication when logging in to pajak.go.id, according to the chosen method, whether it is email, SMS, or M-Pajak.
Ensure the Phone Number Belongs to DGT
If the MFA method chosen is SMS, make sure that the number contacting you is from the verified DGT number, which is +62 822-300-9880.
"DGT never contacts taxpayers through unverified phone numbers or WhatsApp," as stated in the information provided.
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Beware of Data Hacking Scams
The Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) urges taxpayers to stay vigilant against various methods often used in data hacking. In addition to ensuring that the phone number or email received comes from the DGT, taxpayers are also advised to be careful when responding to any message on behalf of the DGT.
Here are some types of messages that should be suspected of data theft. First, the message attaches an APK file. Second, asking taxpayers to download an application.
Third, requesting verification of sensitive data information such as biological mother's name, date of birth, telephone number, address, and so on. Fourth, asking taxpayers to transfer a sum of money to pay stamp duty, payment of tax arrears, or other payments.
If receiving such messages, DGT advises taxpayers to ignore them.
Unable to Access Email
One common issue taxpayers face when using MFA is the failure to receive a verification code from DGT. If this happens, DGT recommends checking the spam folder in taxpayers' email. Alternatively, taxpayers are advised to request the verification code via SMS first.
If the problem lies in no longer having access to the registered email, taxpayers should update their data immediately by contacting the Kring Pajak hotline at 1500200 or using the live chat feature on the pajak.go.id website.
Data updates can also be done by submitting a written request to the Tax Office (KPP) or the Office of Counseling and Consultation Services(KP2KP) where the taxpayer is registered.
The written request for data changes requires taxpayers to fill out and sign the taxpayer data amendment form and attach the necessary supporting documents.
Once completed and signed, the request, along with the supporting documents, can be submitted directly to the KPP/KP2KP or sent via mail, courier, or delivery service. (ASP/KEN)