Attention, Here are the DGT Working Time Adjustments in the Fasting Month
JAKARTA. The Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) has adjusted its working hours, including providing services to taxpayers during the month of Ramadan 1445 Hijri.
As stated in Announcement Number PENG-7/PJ.09/2024 issued on 13 April 2024, during the fasting month, DGT's working hours start at 08.00 to 15.00 local time. Meanwhile, services during off-hours, including on Fridays, will be opened.
The changes include working hours at the Tax Office (KPP) and Office for Tax Counseling, Consulting, and Services (KP2KP). The types of services provided include services to talk to agents of the DGT Information and Complaints Service Office (KLIP).
Likewise for online consultation services through Kring Pajak. However, specifically for the Kring Pajak service, the working time refers to West Indonesia Time (WIB).
Therefore, taxpayers who need tax services and must come to the Tax Office, must pay attention to these adjustments. For instance, if the Taxpayer wants to submit the Annual Income Tax Return (SPT).
For information, this working time adjustment is made by referring to the Minister of Finance Circular Letter Number SE-1 /MK.1/2024.
This regulation regulates working hours during the month of Ramadan 1445 Hijri and National Holidays and Joint Leave for Eid al-Fitr 1445 Hijri within the Ministry of Finance. (ASP/KEN)