
Government Accelerates Import of Goods to Counter Covid-19

Government Accelerates Import of Goods to Counter Covid-19

JAKARTA. As an effort in countermeasuring the spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) in Indonesia, the government provides various facilities in carrying out import of goods for the purpose of preventing and controlling Covid-19. A number of these facilities are in the form of exemption from import duty, excise and / or import tax. 

In addition, to accelerate the import of goods services, the Presidential Decree (Keputusan Presiden/Keppres) Number 9 of 2020 has been issued concerning the granting of a mandate to the Chairperson of Task Force for the Acceleration of COVID-19 Mitigation, in this case the Chairperson of the National Agency for Disaster Countermeasure (Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana/BNPB) to provide exemption for licensing procedures import trade. 

Some of these fiscal and / or non-fiscal facilities can be provided if the applicant submits exemption from import duty, excise and / or import tax through BNPB. Then, BNPB together with related ministries /institutions (Kementrian/Lembaga/K/L) conduct research on the applicant's subject.

If the applicant is a government agency or public service agency, then BNPB will coordinate with the K/L related to issue a letter of recommendation. Subsequently, the Government/BLU agency forwarded the application to the Head of Main or Regional Office of Directorate General of Customs and Excise where the entry is based on the Minister of Finance Regulation (Peraturan Menteri Keuangan/PMK) number 171/PMK. 04/2019.

Meanwhile, if the applicant is a foundation/social nonprofit institution, then BNPB will coordinate with K/L related to issue a recommendation as well as an exception permit from BPNB. Then, the foundation/nonprofit continues the application to the Customs and Excise Facility Directorate General of Customes and Excise Main Office in accordance with the scheme of PMK number 70/PMK. 04/2012.

However, if the applicant is an individual or a private legal entity, BNPB will conduct research on whether imported goods are non-profit oriented or non-commercial or profit oriented. If the goods are non-commercial, the applicant must submit a grant letter to BNPB, or a grant letter to the nonprofit foundation / institution.

Then, for individuals or private legal entities that are non-commercial or commercial, are required to submit import declaration (Pemberitahuan Impor Barang/PIB) made independently or by Customs Clearance Service Companies (Perusahaan Pengurusan Jasa Kepabeanan /PPJK) to the customs office where the goods are imported. Especially for non-commercial ones, PIB must also include the number and date of the SKMK and BNPB in the import declaration. 

After all customs obligations have been fulfilled, the individual or private legal entity will obtain a letter of release of goods as a document for the release of imported goods. Specifically for non-commercial, individuals or private legal entities are required to submit a report to BNPB regarding the realization of import and distribution of goods to the public.

The Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) number 01 / BNPB / 2020 and KEP-113 / BC / 2020 are valid on 20 March, 2020, until the end of certain disaster emergency situations determined by the government. (KEN)

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