Growth of 22.7%, PMSE VAT Revenue Shows a Slower Pace in 2023

JAKARTA. The Directorate General of Taxes stated that the realization of revenue from Value Added Tax (VAT) on trade through electronic systems (PMSE) was recorded at IDR 6.76 trillion.
This amount only increased by 22.69% compared to PMSE VAT revenue in 2022 which amounted to IDR 5.51 trillion. This means that there is a slowdown because the growth in tax revenue in 2022 can reach 41.28% compared to 2021.
Moreover, when compared to PMSE VAT revenue in 2021, it was able to grow 433.52% against the realization of PMSE VAT in 2020.
With a note, the collection of PMSE VAT in 2020 was only held for a few months, because the provisions came into force in July 2020.
Meanwhile, if accumulated, since the PMSE VAT collection provisions took effect, the total revenue collected reached IDR 16.9 trillion. With the number of companies appointed as PMSE VAT collectors reaching 163 companies.
In its written statement, the DGT said that the PMSE VAT collection provisions were previously regulated through Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 60/PMK.03/2022.
In the regulation, designated digital companies must collect PMSE VAT at 11% of the transaction value. In addition, companies that collect PMSE VAT are also required to make proof of VAT collection, in the form of commercial invoices, order receipts, or similar documents.
The PMSE VAT collection is a form of the tax authority's efforts to create fairness and equality in business, or a level playing field, between conventional and digital businesses.
Therefore, the implementation of PMSE VAT collection will continue to be encouraged in the future. "The appointment of PMSE VAT collector or digital business is a form of technology adoption capability by the government as one of the prerequisites towards Advanced Indonesia 2045," concluded the DGT. (ASP/KEN)