Ministry of Finance: Electric Motorbike Subsidy Budget Already Allocated

JAKARTA.The Ministry of Finance has allocated a budget to subsidize the purchase of electric motorbikes of IDR 7 million per unit.
Quoting, the estimated amount of the budget is still being calculated by the Ministry of Finance. As for the plan, the subsidy will be given to 200,000 units of new electric motorbikes and 50,000 units of converted motorbikes.
While the allocation comes from the Remaining Budget Calculation (Silpa) post, which will be disbursed if the List of Budget Allocation Lists (DIPA) has been recorded.
DIPA is a document containing details of program allocations and government activities issued to each Ministry/Institution (K/L). However, until now, the DIPA planned to be submitted by the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has not been made available.
This subsidy is intended to encourage the acceleration program for battery-based electric motorized vehicles (KLBB). In addition to providing subsidies, the government also plans to provide Value Added Tax (VAT) deductions for the purchase of electric vehicles.
The government and the Financial Services Authority (OJK) will also support the KLBB acceleration program through several relaxations. (ASP)