
MUC Great Program: Talks About Gen Z Challenges in the Workplace

MUC Great Program: Talks About Gen Z Challenges in the Workplace
Direktur MUC Consulting Erry Tri Merryta menjadi speaker dalam webinar MUC Great Program yang merupakan rangkaian dari acara pembekalan calon wisudawan/wati DIII Akuntansi Perpajakan, Universitas Trisakti pada Selasa (11/10) lalu

JAKARTA. Based on the results of the 2020 population census conducted by Statistics Indonesia (BPS), the majority of Indonesia's population is currently dominated by Generation Z (gen Z) as much as 27.94 percent of the total population or 74.93 million people.

As a generation that has grown up with digitization, there are a number of challenges that must be faced. One of them is related to the generation gap in the workplace. So how does Generation Z conquer these challenges? This is the big theme in the Webinar entitled “Success Tips for Generation Z Entering the Working World”. The webinar is part of the MUC Great Program, in the debriefing event for prospective DIII Tax Accounting graduates of Trisakti University on Tuesday (11/10).

MUC Consulting Director Erry Tri Merryta was present as one of the main speakers. On that occasion, Erry explained that facing the generation gap phenomenon is something that cannot be avoided by Generation Z who will enter the professional world. This generation gap can lead to different ways of thinking, habits, expectations, making them vulnerable to conflict.

“The generation that are most likely to meet and interact with Gen Z in the workplace is the boomers generation and generation Y or millennials.
So, in order to be able to collaborate across generations, Gen Z must be able to adapt to the different characters and ways of thinking of each generation. We, who are younger (gen Z) need to be more adaptable “explained Erry.

In addition, Erry also highlighted a number of characters that are typically owned by Gen Z.

She explained, as a digital generation, Gen Z has several advantages, including being globalist, informative, multitasking, highly tolerant of differences, likes to express themselves, and tech literate. But behind this set of advantages, Gen Z does not escape a number of weaknesses that can actually hinder the potential of this generation. Generation Z tends to be easy to FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) or have excessive anxiety if they miss the latest trends. This anxiety will usually trigger a sense of insecurity. In addition, Gen Z is also prone to complaining and has a low level of endurance, when compared to previous generations.

“And lastly, these Z generations are also vulnerable to mental health disorders. Mental health problems that are never taken seriously can be dangerous and uncontrollable over time. These small mental health disorders, if left unchecked, will make this gen Z unable to see their potential, because they are busy with their mental state (gen Z)," she explained.

Therefore, Erry also conveyed some tips for Generation Z to be ready to face the professional world as well as to be able to develop their potential. Among them, Gen Z must learn to understand themselves, including recognizing every emotion they feel in order to be able to understand others. Then, maximize digitization for productivity, not for time-wasting things like scrolling on social media or playing games. Furthermore, Gen Z must be able to build a growth mindset to be more adaptive and quick to respond to change. Last but not least, practice strengthening the mentality to be able to face various challenges in the working world.

For information, the MUC GREAT Program is one of the MUC Consulting Group's CSR programs designed to provide students with an overview of the taxation profession. This program is expected to improve the technical abilities and soft skills of students before they enter the working world. (KEN)

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