Payment Terms for Contribution of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan To Be Relaxed
JAKARTA. The government relaxes or adjusts the payment of
the Social Security Administration Body for Employment, or BPJS Ketenagakerjaan contribution by issuing Government Regulation (PP) number 49 of 2020.
The relaxation stipulated in this regulation includes adjusting the amount of contribution and loosening the deadline for payment of WorkAccident Security Program (JKK), Death Security (JKM), Old Day Security (JHT) and Pension Security (JP) contributions.
This relaxation was given as a form of government response to the condition of a number of companies affected by Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19), such as reduced production, impaired cashflow resulting in decreased ability to pay liabilities.
In this regulation, which came into force on 1 September, 2020, the government has extended the deadline or due date for the payment of JKK, JKM, JHT and pension benefits from the 15th of the following month to the 30th of the following month.
Contribution Relief
Apart from that, the government also provides relief for the payment of JKK and JKM contributions, up to 99% of the amount usually paid.
Thus, the JKK contribution that must be paid is 1% from the usual. This relief is given to both participants of Wage Recipients (Penerima Upah) and participants of Non-Wage Recipients (Bukan Penerima Upah).
This relief is only given to employers, participants of wage recipient participants and participants of non-wage recipient who have paid the JKK and JKM contribution until July 2020. As for participants who register as participant after July 2020, they must pay JKK and JKM contributions for the first two months.
Delay of Payment
Regarding the obligation to pay pension security contributions, the employer has the opportunity to postpone part of the payment.
The details are that 1% of the fixed contribution must be paid on the 30th of the following month and the remaining 99% can be paid gradually not more than 15 May, 2021 and paid no later than 15 April, 2022.