Revenue Sharing Fund of Export Levies and Export Duties for Palm Oil Set at IDR 3.4 trillion

JAKARTA. The government will allocate a Revenue Sharing Fund (DBH) for palm oil originating from export levies and export duties in 2023 of IDR 3.4 trillion.
Quoting, the allocation is determined using a formula that has been made based on a certain percentage of the total export levy plus export duty in 2022.
For information, in 2022 the government has managed to collect export levies of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) worth IDR 34.59 trillion, while export duties are worth IDR 39.8 trillion.
So that the total funds collected from export levy and export duty reached IDR 74.39 trillion. Meanwhile, the size of the revenue-sharing fund portion is at least 4% and can be increased by taking into account the state's financial capacity.
Therefore, the government believes that the allocation of revenue-sharing funds that have been agreed upon by the government will be fulfilled. In addition, the revenue-sharing fund budget has also been included in the 2023 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN).
However, the government stated that the distribution still requires a legal umbrella in the form of a Government Regulation (PP), which is currently being drafted.
In the Draft of Government Regulation, a distribution formula for each region will be determined. The formula that has been prepared by the government is:
- for province 20%
- for producing districts/cities 60%
- for border districts/cities 20%.
Thus, assuming a revenue-sharing fund of 4%, the proportion of provinces is 0.8%, the proportion of producing regencies/cities is 2.4%, and the proportion of border regencies/cities is 0.8%. However, the government has also set a minimum allocation limit per region for 2023, which is IDR 1 billion per region.
It is planned that the revenue sharing fund of Palm Oil will be distributed through two phases in one year, namely in May 2023 and October 2023. The amount of revenue sharing fund that will be distributed for each period is 50%. (ASP/KEN)