
Socializing Tax Amnesty, Government Again Alludes to 200% Sanction and Data Control

Socializing Tax Amnesty, Government Again Alludes to 200% Sanction and Data Control

JAKARTA. The voluntary disclosure program, also known as the tax amnesty volume II, will start rolling out on 1 January 2022

In this regard, the government has begun to disseminate tax amnesty II to taxpayers so that they are willing to disclose their assets.

Similar to the implementation of the first volume of the tax amnesty in 2016-2017, this time the government also mentioned that there is the sanction of 200% if in the future it is found that there are taxpayers who own assets but have not disclosed them in the annual tax return.

Quoting, the threat of sanctions is also accompanied with information that the government will have easier access to taxpayer data. So, taxpayers cannot hide their assets forever from the tax authorities.

The information comes from the automatic exchange of information (AEoI) financial data information program and in the future, the government will combine the taxpayer data in the DGT information system with population data, through the use of a Single Identity Number (NIK) to replace the Taxpayer Identification Number (KTP). NPWP).

The tax amnesty volume II will be implemented for six months, starting from 1 January 2022 to 30 June 2022, consisting of two policies.

The first VDP policy is for individual taxpayers and corporates participating in the tax amnesty volume I (2016-2017) who have not or under-disclosed their net assets until the 2015 fiscal year in a declaration letter.

Meanwhile, the second VDP policy is only intended for individual taxpayers—not corporates—who have not reported 2016-2020 acquired assets in the Tax Return.

Targeting Inheritance

Meanwhile, citing, any assets that have not been reported in the taxpayer's annual tax return can be disclosed through the tax amnesty vol. II program.

The government emphasized that apart from personal assets, taxpayers are also advised to report inheritance from parents or in-laws as well as grants from anyone.

Global Recognition
Global Recognition | Word Tax     Global Recognition | Word TP

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