The Final Month of VDP, Number of Participants Surged

JAKARTA. Going into the final month of the Voluntary Disclosure Program (VDP), the number of participants following the 2015-2016 tax amnesty sequel program has surged.
According to the records of the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) in just 15 days in June, the number of participants who took part increased by 32.000 taxpayers. In fact, the average number of participants per month during January-May was only 11.0000 taxpayers.
Similarly, the addition of the number of participants is also followed by the value of net assets disclosed and the Final Income Tax (PPh) which is paid to the state treasury.
Total net assets reported in the last 15 days amounted to IDR 83.6 trillion. Meanwhile, the average net asset value disclosed per month is only IDR 20.7 trillion.
Then the final income tax value paid to the state treasury in 15 days in June reached IDR 8.8 trillion, much higher than the average final income tax value paid monthly, IDR 653 billion.
The complete information on the realization of VDP implementation during January-June can be seen in the following chart:
Appeal Effect
DGT said that the trend of VDP every month was indeed fluctuating. It had gone up in March but then dropped again in the following month, then spiked again before the program ended.
One of the factors that influenced the movement of VDP participants was the government's appeal. In fact, in early June 2022, the DGT had time to distribute an electronic letter (e-mail) containing an appeal to participate in the VDP to 18 million taxpayers.
In the email, the DGT reminds taxpayers who meet the VDP requirements to disclose their assets.