
PSBB is Officially Imposed in Jakarta, Tax Office Still Operates

PSBB is Officially Imposed in Jakarta, Tax Office Still Operates

JAKARTA. The Government  has already determined the province of Special Capital Region of Jakarta (DKI Jakarta) in the status of Large Scale Social Restrictions (Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar/PSBB), as stated in the Decree of the Minister of Health (Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan/KMK) number HK.01.07 / MENKES / 239/2020.This determination is based on data, that there has been a significant and rapid increase in the case of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19).

This conclusion was drawn after the government conducted an epidemiological study and consideration of regional preparedness in social, economic and other aspects. As referred to Regulation of the Minister of Health (Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan/PMK) number 9 year 2020, concerning Guidelines for Large-Scale Social Restrictions in the framework of the Acceleration of Handling Covid-19.

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The impact of this PSBB determination is that a number of services and locations in the Capital City will be subject to restriction and closure.Nevertheless, all services related to taxation can still be done. Because, tax office is one of the government offices at the central and regional level that are exempted from the closure or consolation of the workplace.  

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In general, there are 14 agencies excluded from the PMK regarding the PSBB Guidelines. In addition to the tax offices, some excluded government offices are Customs and Excise, Central Bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia/BI), Post Offices, and others.

Although it is not closed, the tax office will carry out its operations with various adjustments. Among them is by not providing services face to face.Thus, all taxation services can be done through online channels. Including for the purposes of filling Annual Tax Return (SPT Tahunan Pajak) and Periodic Tax Return (SPT Masa), can use eFiling.

While for consultation, taxpayers can contact the Account Representative (AR) through telephone service, email, chat and other communication channels such as social media. 


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