
DGT Launches e-PBK, Now Overbooking Process Can Be Done Online

DGT Launches e-PBK, Now Overbooking Process Can Be Done Online

JAKARTA. The overbooking process of tax payment can now be done online, using an application prepared by the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT), e-PBK.

Thus, the process of tax payment overbooking to be recorded at the appropriate tax payment can be done anywhere, so that taxpayers do not need to come to the tax office or offline.

DGT conveyed the information through a tweet on Twitter @DitjenPajakRI. Through their tweet, the DGT stated that to access e-PBK, taxpayers could use the channel provided on its official website,

The provisions regarding the procedures for overbooking are regulated through the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 242/PMK.03/2012 on procedures for paying taxes.

However, the use of the e-PBK application can only be limited to 10 Tax Offices (KPP), including:

  1. Tigaraksa Small Tax Office (KPP Pratama)
  2. Semarang Barat Tax Ofice
  3. Kebumen Tax Office
  4. Jakarta Pluit Tax Office
  5. Serpong Tax Office
  6. Kosambi Tax Office
  7. Cibeunying (Bandung) Tax Office 
  8. Surabaya Rungkut Tax Office
  9. Gianyar Tax Office
  10. Tangerang Barat Tax Office 

Process of Using e-PBK

To be able to use e-PBK, taxpayers must first log in on the page by entering their Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP) or Single Identity Number (SIN).

After that go to the overbooking (pemindahbukuan) menu. Then follow the steps provided on that page. Ensure that all information and data entered in the e-PBK form are filled out completely and correctly.

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