DGT Reports Core Tax Progress to the President: Tax Return Filling Will Be Easier

JAKARTA. The Director General of Taxes (DGT) reported the development of a new tax system, the Coretax Administration System, to President Joko Widodo on Wednesday (31/7).
After meeting President Jokowi, Director General of Taxes Suryo Utomo revealed that with Coretax, filling out the Annual Income Tax Return (SPT) will be easier since it will no longer be manual.
According to Suryo, as quoted from cnbcindonesia.com, Coretax will have a feature that allows all tax withholding slips to be automatically entered into the system. "So we don't need to look for tax withholding slips from other people, after they have submitted they will be recorded in their tax return," said Suryo.
Thus, taxpayers who will submit the Annual Tax Return, later only need to make sure whether the data from the tax withholding slips has been recorded into the account or not. If so, the taxpayer just needs to submit the annual tax return.
However, the plan is that the Core Tax system can only be released at the end of 2024. As for now, the government is still in the completion stage.
The government ensures that with the Coretax, there will be many conveniences for taxpayers to manage their tax obligations. In general, according to Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani, there are nine objectives for developing this tax administration system.
First, to automate and digitize tax administration services from Registration, Extensification, Payment, Reporting, Taxpayer services, Third-party data, and Information exchange.
Second, improving Data Analytics: Risk-Based Taxpayer Compliance, Business Intelligence, and Taxpayer Account Management consists of 3 modules, namely revenue accounting system, taxpayer profile, and potential revenue monitoring.
Third, creating taxpayer account transparency with the ability to view all transactions to facilitate the fulfillment of tax rights and obligations.
Fourth, improving tax services that are fast, accessible from various channels, and can be monitored in real-time by taxpayers.
Fifth, more equitable supervision and law enforcement for taxpayers. Sixth, providing more credible data (valid and integrated) and expanding the third-party data integration network.
Seventh, creating Knowledge Management for better decisions and making DGT a data and knowledge-driven organization. Eighth, encouraging the preparation of prudent and accountable DGT financial reports or Revenue Accounting Systems.
Previously, the development of Coretax was carried out as part of efforts to reform the tax information technology system, as stipulated in Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 40 of 2018. (ASP/KEN)