
DGT Issues 321,000 SP2DK, Primarily to Corporate Taxpayers

DGT Issues 321,000 SP2DK, Primarily to Corporate Taxpayers

JAKARTA. The Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) as of November 14 2023 has issued 321,000 Request for Explanation of Data and/or Information (SP2DK). 

The SP2DK is a letter issued by the Tax Office (KPP) to taxpayers regarding allegations that tax obligations have not been fulfilled.

Quoting, the majority of SP2DKs issued were for corporate taxpayers, namely 211,000 SP2DK letters. Meanwhile, for individual taxpayers, it is only 109,000 letters.

The issued SP2DK is then delivered to the taxpayer, either by facsimile, expedition service, or handed directly to the taxpayer.

Meanwhile, DGT plans to issue SP2DK as part of the process of monitoring and testing taxpayer compliance.

However, DGT reminds taxpayers who receive SP2DK not to panic. This is because SP2DK only aims to request an explanation. So it is not an audit warrant.

For this reason, taxpayers only need to provide an explanation of the points contained in the SP2DK. 

If after providing the explanation there is an indication of non-compliance, the taxpayer can correct the report or directly pay the shortfall in tax payable. (ASP/KEN)

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