Falling Short of Target: Only 12 Million Individual Taxpayers Submit Tax Returns on Time

JAKARTA. The government recorded that the number of Individual Taxpayers (OP) who submitted the Annual Income Tax Return for fiscal year 2023 on time was only 12.99 million taxpayers.
This number is still below the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) target of 19.27 million tax returns, but 7.32% higher than the number of annual tax returns submitted last year.
Quoting cnbcindonesia.com, the number of Annual Income Tax Return submissions was recorded until Sunday (31/3) at 23:59 WIB, marking the deadline according to the Law.
In light of this accomplishment, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani expressed her gratitude and appreciation to all taxpayers who fulfilled their obligations, including submitting the Annual Income Tax Return.
It's worth noting that although the submission deadline has passed, Individual Taxpayers can still submit their Annual Income Tax Returns. However, for delayed submissions, an administrative sanction in the form of a fine of IDR 100,000 will be imposed.
Meanwhile, for Corporate Taxpayers, the deadline for submitting an Annual Income Tax Return remains until April 30, 2024. This is as stipulated in the provisions in the field of taxation, namely the maximum end of the fourth month after the tax year ends.
The number of corporate taxpayers who have submitted the Annual Income Tax Return is 348,317 taxpayers.
Meanwhile, of all Annual Income Tax Returns received by the government, most were submitted through e-filing, with 10.89 million tax returns. Then those submitted through e-form were 1.4 million tax returns. Meanwhile, those submitted through e-SPT were 16 tax returns and manually as many as 393,012 tax returns. (ASP/KEN)