Great Program 2021: MUC Consulting Gives Training for Trisakti Graduates
JAKARTA. MUC Consulting had the opportunity to be one of the speakers of the debriefing event for Trisakti University graduates, which was conducted online through the Zoom application on Thursday (1/4).
This activity is part of the Generating Real Excellence in the Area of ??Taxation (GREAT) Program in 2021, which this time was carried out through the delivery of material on the challenges that will be faced by graduates of the DIII Program in Accounting Taxation, Trisakti University in the world of work, especially in the tax industry, by Human Capital Manager of MUC Consulting, Erry Tri Merryta.
On this occasion, Erry conveyed the importance of Trisakti University graduates to prepare the necessary skills in the world of work. But bear in mind that the world they will be confronted with is something different when compared to a few years ago. This is because automation has occurred in various business sectors.
Thus, graduates who only rely on technical and administrative skills will find it difficult to compete with robots and artificial intelligence. This even happens in MUC which has started to reduce the use of workers that can only perform data entry functions.
Therefore, Erry also reminded Trisakti University graduates to have some additional skills which according to one of the global management consulting agencies, McKinsey and the World Economic Forum (WEF) will be needed in the era of automation.
According to McKinsey, there are four skills that everyone should have today, namely critical digital, cognitive capabilities, social and emotional skills, and adaptability and resilience. While WEF added four other skills, those are literacy, anticipation, system thinking, strategic foresight.
These abilities according to Erry are things that robots and AI will find difficult to compete with.
For information, GREAT Program is one of THE MUC Consulting Group's CSR programs designed to provide students with an overview of the profession in the field of taxation.
In addition, this program is also expected to improve students' technical abilities and soft skills before they enter the world of work.