IKN Becomes Government Epicenter: MUC Hosts Taxation Seminar in Balikpapan

JAKARTA. Being an area close to the capital city, the epicenter of the new government, business players in Balikpapan need to prepare for and anticipate various factors that will affect their business activities.
One of the important aspects to pay attention to is taxation. Various tax policies released by the government are closely related to the development plan of IKN (Nusantara Capital City) as the new center of government and business center.
Therefore, MUC Consulting considers it important to hold a taxation seminar entitled "Optimising Strategies for Managing Tax Risks".
The seminar is scheduled for Thursday, August 8, 2024, from 09:00 to 15:30 WIB and will be held at the Swiss-Belhotel in Balikpapan. The seminar will cover various tax policies, including:
- A range of income tax facilities in IKN, as outlined in PMK 28"
- Changes in Transfer Pricing Regulations and Risk Mitigation through Advanced Pricing Agreement (APA) according to PMK 172/2023
- Strategy to face SP2DK and Tax Audit
All materials will be delivered by MUC Consulting professionals, consisting of Shinta Marvianti as a Tax Dispute Director of MUC Consulting, Tigor Mulia Dalimunthe as Transfer Pricing Senior Manager of MUC Consulting and Cahya Fitriana as Tax Advisory Supervisor of MUC Consulting.
MUC Consulting hopes that this seminar will help business professionals in Kalimantan, especially Balikpapan, prepare for potential risks arising from upcoming changes in taxation policy.
To join this event, participants can register through mucly.net/REG-MUCBPN with the registration fee of IDR 600,000/participant (regular) and IDR 1,000,000 for 2 participants (bundling).
Fill out the registration form or contact our contact person via WhatsApp: 081117701290 or via email: ask_muc@mucglobal.com. (ASP/KEN)