MUC-UOB Indonesia Webinar: Don't Hesitate to File a Tax Objection

JAKARTA. MUC Consulting together with UOB Indonesia organized another tax webinar on Thursday (2/9). This event is part of a series of UOB Transaction Banking Experience Center (TBEX) program which take place annually.
Specifically, the theme of this webinar is about legal efforts that can be taken by taxpayers when there is a dispute.
The webinar material was presented by Tax Dispute Division Manager of MUC Consulting Cindy Claudia Cyntia who was accompanied by Senior Consultant of MUC Consulting Raysa Prima Annisa as a moderator.
In her presentation, Cindy explained that until now there are still many taxpayers who think that filing objections and other legal efforts in tax matters are risky and should be avoided as much as possible.
Reason for Legal Efforts
In fact, taxpayers have the right to file legal efforts if they do not agree with the Tax Assessment Notice (SKP) issued by the tax office, which are considered detrimental or not in accordance with the applicable tax provisions.
The first legal effort that can be taken is to file an objection. If the objection is rejected, the taxpayer can proceed through the tax court by filing an appeal.
However, if the decision of the panel of judges at the appellate level is still not appropriate, the taxpayer can file other legal effort, cassation. On top of the cassation decision, there is also a higher assembly, namely a tax review.
The Importance of Calculating Risk
Cindy also explained that legal effort must consider the various risks that may arise. Therefore, in doing so, the right strategy is needed and supported by strong documents and arguments.
On this occasion, the speaker also explained the differences in the mechanism for resolving tax disputes before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. "During the pandemic, the dispute resolution process is more about checking documents," she said.
The material presented in this webinar received a good response from approximately 60 participants who attended the event. The participants are UOB Indonesia's priority corporate customers.
On the same occasion, Ekky A. Basuki Cash Sales Head, Commercial Banking EB and Business Banking UOB Indonesia said, the topic is quite important to discuss since it is a problem that is often faced by many companies. "Hopefully it will be useful for participants in carrying out daily transactions," he said.