Once Again, Two MUC Transfer Pricing Practitioners Receive Recognition from IBFD
Asep Munazat

JAKARTA. The International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD) has once again recognized the expertise in Transfer Pricing of two practitioners from MUC Consulting.
The practitioners are Nendi Bahtiar, Transfer Pricing Manager, and Anindita Swastika Putri, Transfer Pricing Supervisor.
Nendi earned the IBFD Certificate of Professional Training in Fundamentals of GloBE Rules—Pillar Two for participating in a training session on the GloBE regulations.
The training covered key issues, including determining company scope under GloBE rules, Top-up Tax provisions, intergroup Charging Mechanisms, the Income Inclusion Rule (IIR), the Undertaxed Payment Rule (UTPR), Qualified Domestic Minimum Top-up Tax (QDMTT), GloBE Income or Loss, and Adjusted Covered Taxes.
Meanwhile, Anindita earned the IBFD Advanced Professional Certificate in Transfer Pricing-2 (APCTP-2). This certificate acknowledges her understanding of Transfer Pricing as covered in the training she completed.
In detail, the topics explored during the training included Transfer Pricing and Business Restructuring, Transfer Pricing Controversy, Transfer Pricing and Indirect Taxation, and Operational Transfer Pricing.
Thus, a total of eight MUC Consulting professionals have now received IBFD recognition. This includes two practitioners with APCTP-1, five with APCTP-2, and one practitioner with certification related to Pillar 2.
For reference, the IBFD is a global non-profit organization focused on cross-border taxation developments. Founded in 1938, the organization is dedicated to advancing tax knowledge and research independently. (ASP/KEN)