These Are The Weirdest Taxes In The World

JAKARTA. Under the General Tax Provisions and Procedures Law (Undang-Undang Ketentuan Umum dan Tata Cara Perpajakan/UU KUP), tax is a mandatory contribution to the state owed by individuals or entities that are coercive based on the Act. The types of taxation and the object of imposition are quite diverse. In general, taxes are used for public purposes. However, what if we have to pay taxes for unusual things, such as taxes for tattoos to pumpkin taxes. Here are some of the weirdest types of taxes in the world as quoted from
1. Toilet Flush Tax
This type of tax is applicable in Maryland, one of the States in the United States (US). In order to control water usage, the Maryland government charges taxes for excess toilet flushing that exceed the permitted limits. The tax amount is USD 5 per month. The money collected from the toilet flush tax will be used for the development of sewage treatment system.
2. Tattoo Tax
Since 2002, the state of Arkansas in the US has imposed a 6 percent sales tax on ink services specifically provided at tattoo studios or salons.
3. Pumpkin Tax
In Western countries, pumpkins are always identical to the Halloween festival. Well, in New Jersey, USA, though pumpkins belong is included in the type of food that is tax-free, but if the pumpkin is then painted, lacquered or cut and sold as a decoration, it will be subject to sales tax.
4. Tax on English-Language Schools in Bangladesh
In Bangladesh, if parents want to send their children to an English-speaking school, an additional fee will be charged. In addition to school fees, these parents are also required to pay VAT (Pajak Pertambahan Nilai/PPN) of 15 percent. All other schools are exempt from this tax, except English-language schools.
5. Shelled Nut Tax
Buying peanuts with shells will save money in the United Kingdom (UK). As, there is a VAT of 20 percent for peeled peanuts. However, there are exceptions for shelled peanuts. As long as these peanuts are only peeled, but not salted or roasted, they are excluded from taxes.
6. Ice Block Tax
The U.S. state of Arizona taxes on the purchase of large amounts of ice, such as one block of ice. But surprisingly, on the other hand, buying the retail ice cube is exempt from taxes.
7. Jock Tax
The jock tax is levied on professional athlete income. Many states in the US such as California impose income tax that is obtained by professional athletes in cities or states other than their home city or state.
That is a number of state levies with unusual tax objects. Well, how about Indonesia? (ken)