Ahead of the Release of E-Faktur Version 4.0, Ensure Tax Invoices are Uploaded Using Version 3.2

JAKARTA. The Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) advises taxpayers who have created tax invoices in the e-Faktur Desktop application version v.3.2 to continue uploading them to the same application.
However, DGT said that the Tax Invoice that has been made in e-Faktur Desktop version v.3.2 can also be uploaded in the new version which will be released soon, namely version v.4.0.
This was confirmed by the DGT through the upload of the tax authority's official ‘X’ account @kring_pajak, on Tuesday (16/7). ‘Tax invoices that have been created (recorded) in version 3.2, can also be uploaded in version 4.0, but it is recommended that they be uploaded in version 3.2 to avoid problems due to version differences,’ said a quote from the statement.
The statement was delivered when answering a question from someone with @lustforbangchan. In addition to asking about the use of Tax Invoice created in the v.3.2 application, he also asked about the feature for a 15-digit Taxpayer Identification Number.
Regarding this matter, DGT emphasized that the display of identity inclusion in the e-Faktur version v.4.0 must wait until the application is released.
Read: DGT to Release Updated e-Faktur and e-Nofa Applications, Taxpayers Advised to Prepare
As is known, the E-Faktur version 3.2 application will be replaced with version 4.0 on July 20, 2024. This was announced by the DGT in the Announcement of the Director General of Taxes No. PENG-18/PJ.09/2024, issued on July 12, 2024.
This regulation is a follow-up to the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 112/PMK.03/2022 and the Director General of Taxes Regulation No. PER-6/PJ/2024.
Before the E-Faktur version 4.0 application is officially used, the DGT will conduct a downtime. This means that tax services available on DJP Online will be temporarily stopped on July 20, 2024, from 09:00 WIB to 19:00 WIB.
After the downtime ends, the new e-Faktur desktop application version v.4.0 can be used. (ASP)