High Engagement: Seminar on PMK 172/2023 Draws Dozens of Companies in Suryacipta Industrial Estate

JAKARTA. More than 20 representatives of companies in the Suryacipta Industrial Estate, participated in a seminar with the theme of the Latest Tax Provisions on Transfer Pricing in accordance with PMK 172 Year 2023. Indeed, not all companies located in the Suryacipta Industrial Estate can participate in the seminar, because it is limited to 30 companies.
The event held on Wednesday (28/2) was not only attended by participants directly, in the Suryacipta area but also attended by dozens of participants who were attending online.
The purpose of the event, which was held by a collaboration between MUC Consulting and PT Suryacipta Swadaya, was for participants, both those who attended in person and those who joined online, to have a broad understanding of the provisions published at the end of 2023.
All materials in the event were presented by MUC Consulting Partner Wahyu Nuryanto, Transfer Pricing Manager Nendi Bahtiar, and Transfer Pricing Supervisor Arif Azmi Rianto.
Five Key Provisions
In his remarks, Wahyu stated that several provisions in PMK 172/2023 need to be considered by taxpayers, especially those who conduct transactions with related parties.
Some of them are, first, the provisions regarding the definition of special relationship transactions that fulfill the Arm's Length Principles (PKKU). "Previously, PKKU was applied to related party transactions (only), now it is expanded to transactions affected by special relationships," said Wahyu.
Second, Wahyu also discussed the changes in the timeline for submitting transfer pricing documentation. Third, regarding the corresponding adjustment. Fourth, provisions related to secondary adjustment can now be canceled as long as the taxpayer agrees to the primary correction made by the tax authority or makes a refund from a third party.
Fifth, provisions related to the Advance Pricing Agreement (APA). Sixth, regarding Value Added Tax (VAT) arising from the transfer of goods and services between parties that have a special relationship. (ASP/KEN)