#JUSTISE: Discussing Legal and Tax Aspects of the Company's Liquidation Process

JAKARTA. The Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic has disrupted economic activities.
There are quite a number of business actors whose financial conditions are deplorable and even out of business due to tightened social restrictions. This condition has hit almost all economic sectors, especially retail, services and finance.
Even in 2020, economic growth contracted by 2.7% from the previous year.
Various corporate actions were taken by the company to avoid a worse impact of the economic slowdown, one of which was through the liquidation process.
Although often used as a last resort to get out of a crisis, liquidation has in fact become one of the corporate actions chosen by a number of companies during the pandemic.
In the liquidation process, there are aspects that the company must pay attention to. The first is the legal aspect and the second is the taxation aspect that arises.
Well, although it is not the most expected solution, we must understand both aspects of the liquidation process.
So, when preparing an exit plan when overcoming a crisis, the company can have a complete picture of all the risks that will be faced, including tax risks and legal risks.
To that end, MUC Attorney at Law in collaboration with MUC Consulting will hold a webinar with the title Jurist Talk in Series or #JUSTISE: Discussing Legal and Tax Aspects of the Company's Liquidation Process.
This webinar will present three speakers who are experts in taxation and business law, they arw Meydawati (Tax Partner, MUC Consulting), Mawla Robby (Senior Associate, MUC Attorney at Law) and Sigit Wibowo (Tax Director, MUC Consulting).
To ensure that the discussion activities in the webinar run smoothly, Associate MUC Attorney at Law Bayu Adhitya will guide the event as a moderator.
The event, which will be held on Tuesday (29/3) from 13.30 WIB until 15.00 WIB, is free of charge, through Zoom apps. To participate in the webinar, please register via the following link: https://bit.ly/MUCAttorney_Justise2