
Gain Insights into PMK 81/2024 through MUC BIJAK Webinar

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Gain Insights into PMK 81/2024 through MUC BIJAK Webinar
MUC Consulting akan menyelenggarakan webinar terkait PMK 81/2024

JAKARTA – MUC Consulting will host a webinar titled MUC Bicara Pajak (BIJAK), which will focus on Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 81 of 2024 regarding the implementation of Coretax.

The webinar, titled “Mencermati Tantangan Implementasi PMK 81/2024 Bagi Wajib Pajak” (Understanding the Challenges of Implementing PMK 81/2024 for Taxpayers), aims to help participants understand the substance of this regulation, which serves as the legal framework for the new tax information system, Coretax.

As is commonly known, this regulation, along with the existence of Coretax, will significantly change various tax business processes, from registration, payments, and reporting to decision-making.

By understanding the substance of this regulation, taxpayers will be better equipped to mitigate the challenges of implementation and any tax risks that may arise.

Read: Government Releases PMK 81/2024 on Coretax, 42 Old Regulations Revoked

Event Details and Registration

This webinar will be held on Wednesday (12/11), starting at 14:00 until the session concludes, via the Zoom platform and live-streamed on MUC Consulting's YouTube channel.

The webinar material will be presented by Muhammad Ridho, Manager of Tax Compliance at MUC Consulting. Additionally, the keynote speech will be delivered by Meydawati, Partner at MUC Consulting.

To access the webinar and obtain the Zoom ID, prospective participants can register through the link: https://mucly.net/Bijak5_2024.

Read: Taxpayer Registration Guide: PMK 81/2024


MUC BIJAK is a tax education program initiated by MUC Consulting. The goal of this program is to create a platform for discussion in the field of taxation, as well as to serve as a medium for socializing tax policies.

This initiative reflects our commitment to spreading tax knowledge to the public, ultimately aiming to improve tax compliance among citizens.

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