MUC Consulting Surabaya Holds Webinar on Corporate Income Tax Risk Management

JAKARTA. MUC Consulting Surabaya held a webinar themed on managing the risk of Corporate Income Tax (PPh), with effective and responsible tax planning.
The webinar took place on 5 April 2021, through zoom application and the material was delivered by MUC Consulting Surabaya Managing Partner Otto Budihardjo, AK, MM.
On that occasion, Otto said that tax planning was done to manage the risk of tax obligations that must be met by corporate taxpayers. However, tax planning must still be carried out responsibly.
In other words, when companies do tax planning, they must still comply with the applicable tax rules. Also, it must be accompanied by an accurate and generally valid interpretation.
In conducting tax planning, companies are also required to be responsible for the sustainability of the state. Because as we know, tax is a form of contribution of every citizen including companies for development activities.
Furthermore, Otto explained that tax planning is common and not prohibited.
In this webinar, Otto specifically explained some general strategies in tax planning.
First, tax planning must be done while complying with tax regulations. Tax offenses can be avoided by knowing and implementing tax regulations.
Second, by delaying the payment of taxes. Because delaying the payment of taxes can be done as long as it follows the applicable rules.