MUC-Suryacipta Hosts a Hybrid Seminar on Income Tax 21 Provisions. Check Out the Registration Info!
JAKARTA. MUC Consulting once again collaborated with the management of an industrial estate in Karawang, PT Suryacipta Swadaya, to organize a seminar themed "Implication of the Use of Effective Rate of Income Tax Article 21 in Government Regulation No. 58 Year 2023".
This seminar is held in a hybrid manner. It opens up opportunities for participants to follow it both online and offline. The event is planned to take place on Wednesday (21/2), starting at 10.00-12.00 WIB.
The material in this seminar will be presented by professionals from MUC Consulting, namely Tax Partner MUC Consulting Meydawati, Tax Compliance Manager MUC Consulting Evy Suryani, and Tax Advisory Supervisor MUC Consulting Cahya Fitriana.
To participate in this activity, it is free of charge, participants who are interested in joining can register via the following link:
By attending this seminar, participants will receive an explanation of the utilization of the new Income Tax 21 calculation formula, as stipulated in Government Regulation Number 58 of 2023 and Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 168 of 2023.
MUC Consulting hopes that this collaboration with Suryacipta can have a positive impact, not only for companies in the area to comprehend the latest tax provisions but also for taxpayers in general.
Previously, the collaboration between MUC Consulting and Suryacipta in the form of organizing seminars and webinars had been established several times. Not only limited to the discussion of tax provisions but also other regulations related to business activities. (ASP/KEN)