
#MUCBIJAK: Tax Compliance in Woman's Perspective

#MUCBIJAK: Tax Compliance in Woman's Perspective

JAKARTA. MUC Consulting again held an online discussion event entitled MUC Bijak or MUC Talk Tax, which discusses tax compliance in a women's perspective.

This discussion took place to commemorate International Women's Day as well as to coincide with the momentum of reporting the Annual Income Tax Return (SPT).

The discussion presented two speakers, namely the Head Division of Public Relations, Sub Directorate of Counseling, Service and Public Relations, Directorate General of Taxes (DGT), and Senior Dispute Manager of MUC Consulting, Shinta Marvianti.

In the event held on Thursday (25/3), Ani conveyed that the role of women is very important in encouraging tax compliance, both at the household and corporate level.

As treasurer of the household, women can encourage the head of the family to comply with tax obligations.

Similarly, at the corporate level, considering that many women occupy strategic positions in various companies.

In addition, the event hosted by MUC Consulting Tax Advisory Supervisor Cindy Miranti as moderator also mentioned about the treatment of taxation on women who are considered different from men.

Among them is the ownership of a Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP) for married women, and the right to have dependents that are not owned.

In this regard, Ani explained that in the current regulations, there is no prohibition for married women to have a Tax ID number independently. Women are free to choose whether to merge with the husband or have a separate Tax ID number.

As for the right to dependents, Shinta explained that women can now have dependents. Provided that she must submit a reference letter from the local government to the Tax Office that she has dependents.

The event lasts approximately one hour and can be followed directly on the Zoom application and other MUC Consulting social media, both YouTube and Instagram.

For information, MUCBijak is an online discussion program initiated by the youth community at MUC Consulting with the aim to push taxes into an issue that can be enjoyed by all circles.


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