MUC Consulting and SIP Corp Collaborate to Hold Tax Law Webinar

JAKARTA. MUC Consulting and SIP Corp collaborated to hold a webinar on the topic of Tax Law. The event is a series of #KelasHukum webinars that are regularly held by SIP Corp.
The webinar took place through zoom application on Friday, 18 September 2020, by presenting the Senior Manager Tax Dispute MUC Consulting as a speaker, Shinta Mervianti.
On the occasion, Shinta explained the importance for everyone to understand the tax rules in Indonesia. This is because the tax is one of the largest sources of state revenue, which is applied forcefully to people who have met the criteria as taxpayers.
In Indonesia, there are seven laws (UU) regulating taxation, such as the Taxation General Provisions and Procedures (KUP) Law, the Income Tax (PPh) Law, the Value Added Tax and the Sales Tax on Luxury Goods (PPN and PPnBM) Law, the Stamp Duty Law, Land and Building Tax (PBB) Law, the Law on Tax Collection using Distress Warrants and the Tax Court Law.
In the event, Shinta also discussed several provisions that are closest to daily community activities in detail, such as the Income Tax Law,
the Taxation General Provisions and Procedures Law as well as the Value Added Tax and Sales Tax on Luxury Goods (PPN and PPnBM) Law. Apart from outlining the regulations, the webinar is also a medium for learning how to calculate taxes that must be paid based on regulations.
According to Shinta by understanding the tax rules, everyone can avoid greater losses because they are at risk of getting administrative sanctions in the form of fines when committing violations.
For information, the material presented in this webinar can be reviewed in MUC Consulting Youtube channel.