
UI Vocational Tax Clinic Officially Launched, MUC Gives Full Support

UI Vocational Tax Clinic Officially Launched, MUC Gives Full Support

JAKARTA. As part of efforts to improve the quality of education and increase the role and cooperation of industry in the taxation sector, Tax Administration Study Program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI) initiated the establishment of a Tax Clinic. On Wednesday (19/1), the Tax Clinic with the Teaching Factory (TeFa) learning model concept was inaugurated. The inauguration ceremony took place at the UI Vocational Park.

The inauguration of the Tax Clinic was conducted by UI Vocational Director Prof. Sigit Pranowo Hadiwardoyo together with UI vocational partners namely MUC Consulting, DDTC and Ortax. From MUC Consulting, represented by Director of Tax Compliance MUC Consulting Sigit Wibowo, while from DDTC, there was Partner DDTC Fiscal Research & Advisory B. Bawono Kristiaji and from Ortax, represented by Tax Specialist Ortax Bambang Setiawan.

In his speech, Sigit revealed that the TeFa concept in the Tax Clinic was intended to encourage student competence related to the skills learned, related to the taxation field. Because TeFa is a production or service-based learning model on campus that refers to the standards and procedures applicable in the industry and is implemented in the exact atmosphere that happens in the industry.

Basic vocational education is a skill that must be trained. So how on campus can make a kind of mini-office so that students can really feel how working life will be," He explained.

On the same occasion, Director of Tax Compliance MUC Consulting Sigit Wibowo said that MUC Consulting as a vocational partner of UI, welcomes positively and is ready to provide full support to the UI Vocational Tax Clinic. Because education on campus is quite important to support the capabilities of students in the working world later.

"As a tax consulting company, we will be the ones who will feel the results of student education on campus. When the campus produces students who will become professionals who are ready to work, the industry gets a lot from it. So, we're not only want to take advantage of it, but we also want to contribute to the process," said Sigit.

In addition, Sigit said that MUC also expressed its appreciation for the establishment of the Tax Clinic. Because, in addition to aiming to increase the credibility and capabilities of students, the Clinic will also make a valuable contribution to the community, especially in the field of taxation.

For information, The UI Vocational Tax Clinic will later function as a community service center in the tax sector. The clinic provides a variety of services related to tax issues, ranging from Tax Return reporting, auditing assistance to assistance related to the Voluntary Disclosure Program (PPS). All of these services can be accessed for free. However, because it is still in a pandemic situation, the consulting service is carried out online via zoom/skype/team viewer. For corporate and individual taxpayers who wish to consult, they can contact the Tax Clinic via email: klinikpajak@vocation.ui.ac.id (KEN)

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