Exports Strengthen, April Trade Balance Returns to Surplus US$ 3.94 billion.

JAKARTA. The Statistics Indonesia (BPS) stated Indonesia's trade balance experienced a surplus of US$ 3.94 billion in April 2023.
Thus, Indonesia's trade balance again recorded a surplus for 36 months in a row since May 2020. This surplus has strengthened compared to March 2023 which was only US$ 2.83 billion.
According to BPS, this surplus occurred because it was supported by a surplus in the non-oil and gas commodity balance, especially those from mineral fuels, animal or vegetable fats and iron and steel.
Meanwhile, the trade balance for oil and gas commodities experienced a deficit of US$ 1.70 billion, consisting of crude oil and oil products.
Overall, Indonesia's exports in April were recorded at US$ 19.29 billion while its imports amounted to US$ 15.35 billion.
In more detail, the three countries that contributed the largest surplus included India with a surplus value of US$ 1.11 billion, the United States with a surplus value of US$ 913.8 million and the Philippines with a surplus value of US$ 656.7 million.
Meanwhile, the three countries that contributed to the deficit included Australia with a deficit of US$ 431.5 million, Thailand US$ 255.6 million and Brazil US$ 2216 million.
Meanwhile, the trade balance with Indonesia's three largest trading partners still recorded a surplus, including with China a surplus of US$ 479.6 million, Japan US$ 4410.7 million and Singapore US$ 51.4 million. (ASP/KEN)